Here is our online media documentation
The released Documentation start here
Accumulated Cost Estimates
Read more about the general principles of Cost estimation here. If the story is delegated to another circle and cost is configured to automatically synchronize, then the displayed cost will …
Accumulated Value Estimates
Read more about the general principles of Value estimation here. If the story is delegated from another circle and value is configured to automatically synchronize, then the displayed value will …
Add as user
When creating a new circle you can choose whether you want to be added as managing user in this circle or not. If you intend to add another user as circle manager after creating the circle, you can deselect this option.
As a Site Administrator you will still be able to access a circle, which you are not explicitly a user in, including editing users. But you have to be a managing user to create stories etc in the circle. You can at anytime add yourself as a user to any circle in your site.
Add From Jira Menu Item
Add an existing Jira Issue, that is within the same Jira Project as the one the Agemba Circle is configured to sync with, as a new item here. The Jira …
Add User to Circle
You can add a new user to your circle by typing their email address. If a user already exists for that email address, you can proceed. Otherwise, you have to …
Add User to Site
You can add a new user to your site by typing their email address. If a user already exists for that email address, you can proceed. Otherwise, you have to …
Adding Site User To Circle
You can add a user to your circle who is already a site user. Just select the user from the list and determine which user rights and team memberships they should …
Agemba Help
Here is the excerpt
Agemba Jira Integration
Agemba-Jira integration What does integrating Agemba with Jira mean? The whole idea behind integrating Agemba with Jira is simply to allow strategically organized work (Stories) in Agemba to be delegated …
Agemba Main Menu
The Agemba Main Menu The main menu gives you access to the different windows related to the current Site and Circle. You can see the name of the current Site …
All Recently Edited dashlet
The All Recently Edited list shows all stories in the Circle – no matter if you are following them or not
Cancel delegation
Cancelling delegation on an epic/story will completely remove it from the circle that it’s delegated to, terminating the delegation process.
A circle is a unit within the organization containing one roadmap and one product backlog.
Circle Activity Feed
The Circle Activity feed shows all (direct) changes made or comments written within this circle.
Circle Group
This is a Circle Group and as the name suggests, it allows the user to visually group circles that are on the Circle Map. The Circles in a Circle Group …
Circle Map Help
Circle Map The circle map is for organizations who wish to have more than one scrum team, where each team has their separate Product Backlog. You can have one …
Circle Relation Manifest
The manifest is a rich text field that can be used to for example state the purpose, terms and function of the delegation relationship between the Circles or for any other purposes. Files in the form of pictures, PDFs etc., can be attached to this region too.
Circle Relation Manifest
The manifest of a circle relation is meant to describe the relationship between the two circles. How do they corporate? What can be expected of each other? How will delegated …
Circle Users List
In this list you can see all circle users and their details, including circle user rights and team memberships. You can edit the user rights or remove a user by …
Circle Views Setup
This section, allows for customization of the functional features that will be available in the Circle. It is meant to assist the user in freely choosing the features they need …
Collections can be used as a generic way of maintaining an ordered list of stories and other items. A collection can be an alternative way of grouping a number of …
Quick access to write a comment
Configuring Cost Estimation for a Circle
It is possible, for each circle, to configure exactly which parts of Cost estimation are relevant. Read more about the general principles of Cost estimation here. When you change estimation …
Configuring Value Estimation for a Circle
It is possible for each circle to configure exactly which parts of Value estimation are relevant. Read more about the general principles of Value estimation here. When you change estimation …
Cost Estimates Overview
Read more about the general principles of Cost estimation here. If the alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace is delegated to another circle and cost is configured to automatically synchronize, then the displayed cost will …
Cost Estimation
The cost of completing a story can be estimated both in terms of the amount of effort (aka work) and in terms of money. The primary objective of estimating cost …
Cost Warnings
Has no effort estimate The effort estimate has not been set. Effort estimate is too high A max recommended effort estimate threshold is defined for the circle (read more here). …
Current Site and Circle
Current Site and Circle In the main menu, you can see the Site and Circle, on which you are currently working (marked with red in the figure below). In the …
Customizing Dashboards
The icon located at the top right corner of the Dashboard view gives access to the facilities for customizing Dashboards. Users with the user right Customize Dashboards and Lists allowed …
Customizing Lists
The icon located at the top right corner of the List view gives access to the facilities for customizing lists. Users with the user right Customize Dashboards and Lists allowed …
Cynefin Framework
The Cynefin framework was developed by Dave Snowden & Cynthia Kurtz from 1999 to 2005. It is used to describe problems, situations, systems and leadership. By offering a thinking-model, a …
The Dashboard is a multi-page, customizable view that can be personalized with “dashlets” to precisely show the information required to orient the user and establish the priorities. Unless configured, it …
Dashboard Help
Site and Circle Dashboards Agemba has two dashboard windows, one at site level and one at circle level. You can access the Dashboard window from the Main Menu. What is a …
Deadline Milestone
Factors from outside the scope of the work going on in a Circle such as The Law or company mandate often change and may require that some items of the …
Deadlines and Planning
A Deadline is the date, where the alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace needs to be finished. The Planned start/end date is the date interval, where the alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace is planned to be in a sprint …
Deadlines Overview
This viewbox shows the deadlines for a story or epic.
Delegate to another Circle
Delegate this item to another circle. Please read more about the general principle of delegation here. Relations between circles in the Circle Map determines, to which circles you are allowed to delegate. …
Delegate to Jira
Delegating an Agemba Story to Jira will result in the creation of a Jira Issue with a similar title and description composing of a merge of the user story and …
Delegating To Another Circle
You can create an epic or a story in one circle with the initial user story and then delegate the epic/story to another circle for further refinement and implementation. The …
Delegation Direction
This denotes the direction in which delegation of Epics or Stories is allowed to take place between the Circles in question
Delegation Info
This region displays information about the delegation setup between the Circles i.e whether delegation is only possible one way or both ways. It also displays any items that have been delegated between the Circles. Clicking the delegated items will open a list of the same in the List View.
Delegation Synchronization
Cost estimation and Value estimation can be synchronized for delegated stories. Whether or not cost and value is kept in sync is configured for individual circle relations. It is thereby …
Delegation Synchronization Edit
Cost estimation and Value estimation can be synchronized for delegated stories. Whether or not cost and value is kept in sync is configured for individual circle relations. It is thereby …
Deleting will remove the item and put it in the trash. Deleted items can be restored
Delivery Out Milestone
Contrary to the Delivery In milestone, this is intended for use when setting milestones for specific story map items that are to be delivered to an outside party within a …
The user story should describe the requirement from the user perspective. The Detailed Description is for further explanations and details.
Details in Circle Delegated From
Shows information entered or set in the circle, where this epic/story is delegated from. The “Shareable link” opens a new tab with the epic/story in the circle delegated from.
Disable Dragging
This will disable dragging of this particular Roadmap item, while in this view.
Edit Kanban Configuration
Kanban lane configuration allows for 3 main actions i.e. Adding columns (sub-states) to the lane. Adjusting the wip limit (max number of items) per column. Except for the To Do and Done columns, reordering …
Editing Cost Estimates
Here is viewbox cost
Editing Planning
Plan the story/issue/epic directly to a release, sprint or kanban lane by selecting the release and possibly sprint or kanban lane name. Note that epics cannot be planned to sprints or kanban lanes.
The releases, sprints and kanban lanes are usually created and planned from the Product Backlog page. So the values available in the selection lists depends on which planning containers (releases etc.) have been created.
Preplanning containers are also created at the Product Backlog page. Use these containers to group stories etc. which are not yet ready to be planned for a release. When the story is planned to a release, it will be removed from the preplanning container.
Editing Value Estimates
Here is value estimation
Email Invite User
Write the email of the person you wish to invite to the Site or Circle.
Enable / Disable Objectives
Disabling Objectives means that Objectives and Risks can neither be defined nor applied in the Circle. However any existing ones will not be removed but silently ignored and hidden out …
Enable dragging
Dragging of Item cards shown on the Roadmap will by default be disabled and can be enabled by clicking on this menu item.
Enable/Disable Feedback
Disabling Feedback will disable the feature of Creating and working with Issues and Ideas in the Circle. Any existing Issues and Ideas will be silently ignored and kept out of …
Enable/Disable Notes
Disabling Notes will remove the possibility of working with Simple Notes in the Circle. Information on existing Simple Notes will however be preserved.
Enable/Disable Preconditions
Disabling Preconditions will consequently disable the feature that enables working with Precondition Epics and Stories. Information about any of the existing Preconditions will however, be preserved.
Enable/Disable Roadmap
Disabling the Roadmap will remove the possibility of working with a Roadmap in the current Circle. If there was an established Roadmap however, and some items were planned in it, …
Enable/Disable Stakeholders
Disabling Stakeholders will consequently disable the feature that enables incorporating Circle stakeholders in the form of personas. Information of existing personas will however be preserved and not removed completely.
Enable/Disable Tactical Mode
The options here include enabling working with either Sprints or Kanban Lanes, or together, or even with neither one of them. When disabled, the Circle will exclude a Tactical Backlog …
Epics are larger Stories. In the Storymap Tree you can have as many levels of Epics as you like to describe the project. Once you reach a level that cannot …
Estimating with Uncertainty
In Agemba it is encouraged (but not mandatory) to take uncertainties into account when estimating effort and value. This is done by setting not only one single estimate for the …
Feedback is for communicating with external clients about suggestions, problems or questions. Feedback is either submitted by the client from a public feedback submission page or created on behalf of …
Feedback Folder Help
This is a folder/category that allows for organizing input from customers or product/service users in the form of Ideas or Issues. These can be created directly under this folder or …
Feedback Help
In the list view you can see all items, search and sort
Folder Help
This is a folder that allows creating and grouping Epics, Stories, Ideas or Issues depending on where the folder resides.
Follow/Unfollow as Team
Select if you want to follow/unfollow changes on behalf of your teams(s)
Follow/Unfollow as User
Select if you personally want to follow or unfollow changes
Followed by Me dashlet
The Followed by Me list shows all stories and other items which you have chosen to follow (not including those items which your team(s) follow)
Followed by Me dashlet
The Followed by Me list shows all stories and other items which you have chosen to follow (not including those items which your team(s) follow)
Followed by Me or My Teams dashlet
The Followed by Me or My Teams list shows all stories and other items which you have chosen to follow personally or is follow by your team
Followed by Me or My Teams dashlet
The Followed by Me or My Teams list shows all stories and other items which you have chosen to follow personally or is follow by your team
Following an Item
In Agemba you can manually choose which items are of special interest to you and you therefore wish to follow changes made to them.
Functional (What) Folder
The Functional (What) Folder, focuses on what the strategies or ideas for solutions are? How do they contribute to the values desired? What are their costs and risks?
General Theme
Choose the theme that you as user are most comfortable with in terms of how cards and different views are rendered.
Help: Import Children From Clipboard
How to get data from spreadsheet to Agemba? This is an easy way to create a list of stories, epics, folders etc in Agemba based on data from a spreadsheet. …
Ideas can be both concrete suggestions as well as more vague thoughts about how clients would like the product/outcome of the project (whereas issues represent problems that need to be …
While the team is in progress with a sprint, it will often encounter impediments that are obstructing it from achieving sprint goals. In Scrum, the role of identifying…
Any new input to the work going on this Circle that is considered as an improvement should be operated as a child of this card; either as a story or an epic depending on how broad it is.
The Inbox is where new Stories (and Issues/Ideas or impediments/improvements) are put when created from the main menu.
Inspect View
Show epic/story card in StoryMap left pane as a tree with children and dependencies. Detail plan the stories from the left pane by dragging stories to sprints.
Issues typically represent a problem that needs to be fixed (whereas ideas represent suggestions). They can describe errors or disadvantages associated with the ongoing work in the Circle. An issue …
Jira Configuration
In this tab you can configure a Jira connection.
Jira Status
This story has been delegated to a Jira project.
If you click on the Issue Key link, the Jira task connected to this story, will be opened in Jira.
Kanban in Product Backlog
This is a container for Kanban. Items, which primarily include Stories of the different available types, can be added via drag and drop from the left pane. Once items are …
Kanban Lane
This is card that represents a Kanban Lane in Agemba.
Kanban Lanes Help
This a folder that allows for creating one or more Kanban Lanes.
Kanban lanes in Tactical Backlog
A Kanban lane is a workflow line consisting of sub-states (sub-queues) each with its own done criteria and each serving as the input queue for the next state. By default, …
Kano Classification
Kano classification is a theory and principle for evaluating customer satisfaction, originally developed by Professor Noriaki Kano in the 1980s. The exact terminology differs in different presentations of the classification …
List Help
In the list view you can see all items, search and sort
Main Menu Theme
Choose the theme that you as a user is most comfortable with in terms of how the top menu is rendered.
MenuItem: Move
Move this entity to a different place in the StoryMap tree. This may require a type conversion.
MenuItem: Out of Scope
Change state of entity. Set this state, if the story is not relevant (at least for now).
MenuItem: Preparing
Changes the state. Means that you want to start preparing the entity.
MenuItem: Ready
Changes the state. Means that the entity has been described and is ready for implementation.
MenuItem: Show in Outline
Go to Outline and show this entity in tree.
MenuItem: Show in Storymap
Go to Storymap and show this entity in the Storymap tree.
The milestone specifies a deadline. Epics and stories can be linked to this milestone to indicate that they must meet the deadline.
Move to another Circle
Moving an epic/story to another circle will completely remove it from the current circle and create an identical one in the selected circle.
My Activity Feed
The personalized Activity feed shows all changes made or comments written within the site or circle, that are relevant for the user currently logged in.
My Site Focus
Filtered lists of all the entities that the currently logged in user is a part of, has been assigned to or is a member of a team that has been assigned or has comments they/their team are/is mentioned in.
Notes are meant to be used in the first draft planning.
Objectives can be used to formulate a goal that you want to achieve. An objective have both a description and can be assigned a value or a kano type. The …
Ordinary Milestone
An ordinary milestone is reserved for the product owner/project manager to use for establishing milestones based on his/her own preferences.
Original Cost Estimates Overview
When the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace is switched to accumulate cost, its original cost estimates are preserved and can be used to compare with the accumulated cost. Read more about the general principles …
Original Value Estimates Overview
When the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace is switched to accumulate value, its original value estimates are preserved and can be used to compare with the accumulated value. Read more about the general principles …
Outline Help
Outline View In the Outline view you see the Storymap Tree as an indented tree list for the Functional (What) and Feedback Folders. An adjustable timeline is incorporated, plotting Releases …
Planning Overview
In this box, you get an overview of the sprint and release planning. Planning The alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace is usually planned by dragging the card into a release/sprint or kanban lane in …
Precondition Epic
Precondition Epics are exactly identical to ordinary Epics except for the color and that they can be depended upon by other stories and epics. See more details on Epics and …
Precondition Story
A story contains a user story (user request). User stories are descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new functionality.
Prevent Roadmap Item Drag
Checking this box will disable the possibility of dragging this item from its current position on the Roadmap. To re-enable dragging, simply uncheck and save the change.
Product Backlog Help
In the Main Backlog you can plan the backlog items and add these to releases and sprints.
Product Backlog Left Pane (Input)
In the left pane of the Product Backlog window you can see the Stories, Epics etc. from the Storymap Tree, which have not yet been planned for a release or …
Planning Relations In Agemba you can create the following planning relations to milestones, releases, sprints and kanban lanes. Milestone Relation If you add a relation from e.g. an epic …
A Release is a special type of Milestone. It is the base for the planning in the Product Backlog.
Release in Product Backlog
This is the container that represents a Release Add and remove Epics and Stories Items, which primarily include Epics and Stories of different types, can be added via drag and …
Remove lane
Removing a lane from the roadmap will remove it permanently and all the items in the lane will be removed from the roadmap
Requesting a free agemba account
If you want to check out agemba before deciding on whether to buy a license, you can get a freebie version. In this version you will be able to check …
Right Panel Details
Open Right-Panel Details Window From some of the main windows (StoryMap, List etc.), you can open and close a “details” window by clicking on the icon at the right side border …
Risk can be used to formulate something that you want to avoid or mitigate. A risk can have both a description and can be assigned a value or a kano …
This is a card that represents a Roadmap where one or more Roadmap Lanes can be created and managed.
Roadmap Help
The Roadmap is a high-level overview of milestones and steps. It gives you a starting point for your initial planning as well as a top-level view of the progress. The …
See connections
Quick overview of relations and planning by overlaying card
Setting up a free agemba account
To complete the request for a freebie version of agemba, you have to fill out details needed for creating a user profile and a freebie account (aka site) and project. …
Show in Product Backlog
Go to Product Backlog and show this entity in left pane.
Show in Sprint Backlog
Go to Sprint Backlog and show entity in left pane.
A site is an organization account.
Site user rights
A user has a collection of user rights which determine their access limitations.
Site Users List
In this tab you can see a list of all users and their details, access to manage user rights and invite new users.
A Sprint is a time-box during which a “Done”, useable, and potentially releasable product/service increment is created.
Sprint Backlog Left Pane (Input)
In the left pane of the Sprint Backlog window you can see the stories, epics etc. from the Storymap Tree, which have not yet been planned for a release or …
Sprint in Product Backlog
A Sprint is a container of a set of Items for delivery that have been agreed to during Sprint planning by the Team and the PO. Add and remove Stories …
Sprint in Sprint Backlog
A Sprint is a container of a set of Items for delivery that have been agreed to during Sprint planning by the Team and the PO. It typically has three …
Stakeholders (Who) Folder
Stakeholders (Who) – Focus on who the beneficiaries are? Who will benefit from this? Who will use this and achieve value?
A story contains a user story (user request). User stories are descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new functionality.
Story Planning
The selectors here provide a way to plan the epic/story to a Release, Sprint, Kanban Lane or to Preplan.
Note that only the “direct” planning is specified here. The epic/story may be “indirectly” planned to a release,, e.g. because a parent epic or all the children are planned to the release. Please see the planning state in the overview tab.
Storymap Help
In the Storymap view, all the items in the Storymap Tree are shown top-down, starting from the Circle. You may choose to show only part of the tree by selecting …
Storymap Tree
Storymap Tree All Epics, Stories, Ideas, Issues, Feedback, Collections, Milestones etc. regardless of where created within an Agemba Circle will end up placed somewhere in the Storymap Tree. You can …
Tab: Acceptance Criteria
In this tab you can add and see acceptance criteria.
Tab: Activity
In this tab you can see a log of all the changes made to the item
Tab: Attachments
In this tab you can upload files. The uploaded files can be used from the editor.
Note: The editor area needs to be selected in order to paste any content from the clipboard.
Tab: Comments
In this tab you can view and write comments for this item
Tab: Edit Details
In this tab you can edit basic user details
Tab: Relations
In this tab you can see and/or add relations between entities.
Tactical View
Tactical Backlog View This view is a daily tool for the sprint team to keep track of the sprint progress. Sprints can be enabled or altogether disabled from the Circle’s …
Stories (orange cards) can be split into tasks (yellow cards). Typically, this is done as a part of a Sprint planning to divide a story into separate workable tasks. Each …
A team is a collection of users. A team can be mentioned in comments and assigned to tasks.
Team Memberships
A user can be a member of one or more teams and thereby obtain his user rights from these teams
Team Roles
All team members will inherit the user rights from the team(s) which they are a member of. The team role determines which user rights team members will get.
Teams List
A list of all the teams in the Circle, showing their names, roles, etc
Teams List
In this tab you can see a list of all teams in the circle. New teams can be created and by right-clicking on a row in the list, you can edit the existing teams.
Trash bin
In the trash bin you can see a list of all the trashed data. You can filter this data using columns filters or free text search. It is possible to …
Undelegate from Jira
Undelegating from Jira will completely severe the link to Jira Issue that the entity currently has.
If a subscription is no longer needed for one reason or another, this will cancel the subscription and remove this item from the subscribing Circle.
A user can have different site and circle access right which will determine what they can or cannot do.
User Licenses
In Agemba there are three different user license levels: Limited, Regular and Leadership
User Persona
Representations of the beneficiaries of the initiative of the Circle in form of personas.
User Right Groups Tab
List of all the user right groups created in this site or circle.
User Rights
A user can be directly assigned user rights (as opposed to indirect roles via team membership or user rights groups) which determine his access rights.
User Rights Group
User rights groups is the recommended way to manage user site and circle access rights. The collection of user rights that can be attached to a user rights group is …
User Story format
What are User Stories (descriptions)? User stories are descriptions of “something wanted” told from the perspective of the person who desires the new functionality. It is meant to capture what …
User Story Overview
What are User Stories (descriptions)? User stories are descriptions of a feature of functionality told from the perspective of the person who desires the new functionality. It is meant to …
Using the Data API
To extract data from Agemba and use it in another system, you can use the Data API. This API allows you to retrieve list data, which can then be exported …
Using the rich text editor
Using the rich text editor you can format your text (e.g. a user story or detailed description) as you desire. Most of the format options displayed in the menu are …
Value Estimates Overview
Read more about the general principles of Value estimation here. If the story is delegated from another circle and value is configured to automatically synchronize, then the displayed value will …
Value Estimation
The value of a story consists both of a value classification and a value estimate. The primary objective of estimating value should be to give a better overview for planning …
Value Warnings
Has no Kano class The Kano class has not been set (only if Kano classification is enabled) Has no value estimate The value estimate has not been set. Value uncertainty …
When Folder
When – Finally focus on the time-related constraints. When do certain things have to be accomplished? Contracts,legislation, budgetting rounds are examples of the many constraints for initiatives that appear in the time domain.
Why Folder
Why – First focus on the value;what values or business objectives do you want to harvest?
Why use teams
A team is a collection of users. A team can be mentioned in comments and assigned to tasks.
Working with Must-haves
For planning and prioritization it can prove beneficial to distinguish between Must-haves and non Must-haves. A Must-have is a story, which is required and therefore not something which can be …
Writing comments
You can write your comment using the rich text editor. See a more general description of the editor here, including how to reference files, insert images and reference other stories. …
The draft Documentation start here
Deadlines and Planning
A Deadline is the date, where the alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace needs to be finished. The Planned start/end date is the date interval, where the alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace is planned to be in a sprint …