Customizing the Dashboard
The Dashboard is the first thing users see when they log into Agemba. It gives an up-to-the-minute overview of everything in their Circle highlighting what has recently been done and what has to be done next.
The Dashboard is a multi-page, customizable view that can be personalized with dashlets to show precisely the information required to orient the user and establish the priorities. Each user can configure their own lists with specific filters and have them displayed in dashlets.
Instead of customizing the dashboard, the user can use the built-in dashboard with two pages, each with an activity feed and list dashlets.
Activity feed
The activity feed dashlet displays all recent changes and comments, indicating what happened, who did it and when. It also shows comments sent to the user which must be acknowledged and responded to, in keeping with the ethos of transparency and traceability. Details can be accessed by clicking on the individual pop-out icon and links.
The activity feed can be configured to either show all the changes and comments in the Circle – or a personalized feed based on changes/comments in items created by or assigned to the user.
Recently Edited, My Focus and other lists
The Recently Edited dashlet tracks all the work that has recently been done, with details of status, assignments and history.
The My Focus dashlet overviews the user’s task list by showing all items the user is assigned to, or items assigned to a team the user is in. It also provides a quick overview of communication on the subject by showing counts of unread comments. Using the dropdown menu the user can choose to only see assigned tasks or pending comments.
A dashlet can be configured to show any list that can be shown in the list view.
Other dashlets
Other dashlets include progress and overview charts plus consolidated lists showing the most frequently performed operations.
Site dashboard
The Site Dashboard is a level up from the Circle view providing an overview of the entire site. It shows activity across the entire organization, providing insight into other Circles. For users with responsibilities that span more than one Circle, the My Focus dashlet at this level shows actions items consolidated from all the Circles that the user is involved with.