Planning Relations
In Agemba you can create the following planning relations to milestones, releases, sprints and kanban lanes.
- Milestone Relation
If you add a relation from e.g. an epic to a milestone, it means that the epic must meet the deadline of the milestone.
You can have relations to milestones from: stories, issues, ideas, impediments, improvements, notes, epics. - Release Planning Relation
A relation from e.g. an epic to a release means that the user story described in this epic will be part of the release.
You can have relations to releases from: stories, issues, ideas, impediments, improvements, notes and epics. - Sprint Planning Relation
A relation from e.g. a story to a sprint means that the user story described in the story will be part of this sprint backlog. A sprint is always part of a release, so the story will also be part of this release.
You can have relations to sprints from: stories, issues, ideas, impediments and improvements. - Kanban Planning Relation
A relation from e.g. a story to a kanban means that the user story described in the story will be worked on according to the kanban workflow.
You can have relations to kanban from: stories, issues, ideas, impediments and improvements.
- Milestone Relation
Note that you cannot have a relation from an epic or note to a sprint. The typical way to work is that you drag an epic to a release in the Product Backlog window. Before and during the sprint planning, you detail the epic into stories. You then add the stories to the sprints.
Creating Relations
All item relations can be created by dragging the desired item and dropping on the item to link to, while in the Story Map. This is also possible while in Outline but specifically for planning relations.
Holding down the Alt key on the keyboard and repeating the drag gesture described right above, while in the Story Map, will draw a line that will then link the two items.
All other item relations apart from its planning relations, can be created from the Relations tab when its modal window is open.
Planning relations can be created in the Edit tab.
Implements Relation
If an idea is implemented by a story, it means that the story “includes” the idea during the implementation and during the planning. The idea is not planned to a release or sprint by itself but via the story.
You can still see the state (Created, Done etc.) on the idea card, but it will to some extent mirror the state of the implementing story. So if you set the state of the implementing story to, say “Done”, it should mean that the story and the ideas, it is implementing, are all done.
It is always an entity in the Functional (What) Folder of the Storymap Tree (story, precondition story or epic) that implements an entity from the Feedback Folder of the Storymap Tree (issue, idea, impediment, improvement or the corresponding epics).
Dependency Relation
The “Dependency” relation means that a:
- Story or epic
waits for an:
- Precondition story or precondition epic
to be completed, before it can be completed.
Interest to Relation
An interest relation can be setup to describe that a given functionality is of interest to a user persona. This is primarily for categorizing stories according to user personas and will not have any impact on the workflow.
How to see a relation in Agemba
All non-planning relations are shown in relations tab.
In the Storymap view you can see the relation as a line between two cards (e.g. between a story and a sprint card), only if you have enabled viewing relations from the View dropdown menu. In the Product and Sprint Backlogs, you will just see the story in the release or sprint box.