List Help

List View

You can access the List view from the Main Menu in both “site” and “circle” mode. At the “site” level, the lists will show items for all the circles within the site while at the “circle” level, only items for the current circle are displayed.

From the List view you have access to various lists of Epics, Stories, Releases etc. For each list, columns to show and a filter to apply are defined to select the items to include in the list.

Select which list to display

A number of predefined system lists exist.

At the top menu bar you can see the name of the current list (“All Recently Edited”).

You can switch to see a different list via the menu.

Some users are allowed to create their own lists. Therefore the available lists shown in this example may not be the same as the ones, you see.

Pages and page size

If the list has many items, the items will be organized in pages. You may change, how many items are displayed at one page by selecting “Number of Rows” from the menu.

At the bottom of the browser window, you can navigate to the previous and next pages. If you scroll through the items with the “Arrow up/down” key on the keyboard, you will automatically move to the previous/next page when you reach the top/bottom.

Search for Contents

If the list is long, you may also want to search for specific items within the list.

In the search field at the upper right, you can enter a search text. This is a so-called freetext search, meaning that you will get all items of the original list, where the search text is part of the title, the user story, attachments etc. You can also enter a specific id in the search field.

If you want to make a more column specific filtering (e.g. only show specific types or items after a create date), you can open a row with filter input fields. Open the filter row be selecting “Show Filters” from the “View” menu.

In the example, the user has entered a filter showing “Story” type only. He could have chosen more than one specific types and only some states.

Detailed information about item

If you press the button at the right corner of the list view, a side-panel is opened. It shows the details of the currently selected item.


From the “Export” dropdown menu you can export all the values in the columns of the whole list or currently selected list of items. These values can be exported wither to an Excel sheet, PDF, CSV, TSV or JSON, allowing you to specify custom export options. CSV and TSV can also be copied directly to the clipboard. You can also export all details to PDF, which will include all the details of the items, not just the columns shown.

If you have been given access to the Data API, this will also be visible in the menu.

Customizing Lists

Depending on your user rights, you will have access to customize lists to some extent for your personal use or to share with others. From here you can copy existing lists and filters, customize the columns and filters and save your personal list or filter for later use. See details on Customizing Lists.