Roadmap Help

The Roadmap is a high-level overview of milestones and steps. It gives you a starting point for your initial planning as well as a top-level view of the progress. The planning may be detailed in Outline, Storymap and Product Backlog.

Agemba supports creating multiple roadmaps within the same Circle, from the first dropdown at the top left corner. A default roadmap is available to get you started.

A roadmap is made up of lanes that can also be created within that roadmap, from the “Add” dropdown.
Lanes can be of the types “Functional”, “Timeline” or “Objectives”. 
Lanes run across the Roadmap’s timeline, starting from the left, where the name of the lane is displayed and a background color to distinguish between the types.
The lane type “Functional” allows for adding Epics and Stories while the lane type “Objectives” allows for adding and creating Objectives and Risks.

Lanes can be removed from the Roadmap by right clicking them or clicking their menu icon to access remove from Roadmap function.

They can also be moved up or down from the same right click menu.

How to get started with Milestones?

As mentioned above, a roadmap can contain a timeline lane where you can add your Milestones. Right-click on the lane and select the type, you want to create. You may also create a release as a special type of Milestone. The stories in the release can later on be detailed in the Product Backlog.

Milestone Deadline

When a milestone is created directly from a timeline lane, its default deadline is the date represented by point of right-click on the lane.

You may afterwards change the deadline by double-clicking on the milestone card and edit the date in the input window or by dragging the milestone item to any point along the timeline. 
To drag, click the milestone and grab the bottom blue handle.

Plan Stories, Epics, Objectives and Risks in Roadmap Lanes

Stories and Epics can be added to or created in any functional lane whereas Objectives and Risks can be added to or created in any Objectives lane.
Those to be added are from the Outline or StoryMap trees. The ones created in the respective roadmap lanes will also be automatically added to the Storymap.

The width of the cards representing any of these roadmap items, is equivalent to the period between the expected start and end date of that item.
This period can be adjusted by either clicking the card and dragging the handles found at the start and end of the card, or from the edit menu by right-clicking the card.

In the initial draft planning you may instead choose to create Simple Notes directly in the Roadmap. The notes created in the Roadmap will also be visible in the StoryMap tree below the Inbox Folder found under the Functional Folder or in the case on Objectives and Risks in the Objectives Folder. The notes can later on be converted to Stories and Epics or Objectives and Risks.

Lane items can be removed by right clicking them or clicking their menu icon to access remove from Lane function.

Connect Items to Milestones

You may specify that a Simple Note, Epic, Story, Objective or Risk is related to a specific Milestone or Release. Hold down the “Alt” key and drag from the note/epic/story/objective/risk to a milestone or release card. A line is drawn to indicate the relation. The new relation also exists, if you view the items in the StoryMap or Outline.

Alternatively, the same can be done from the item’s Edit or Relations Tab, accessible via right click.

Right click an existing connection to access the delete function.

Subscribing to other Circle’s Roadmap items

Epics, Stories, Objectives, Risks and including Milestones and Releases that have been activated and included on the Roadmap in a Circle, can be subscribed to by any other Circles within the same Agemba Site. Subscribing to an item means that it will be replicated in the subscribing Circle’s Roadmap, with the exact same properties. This will enable the members of the subscribing Circle to be able to view its properties, follow its progress and also start a dialogue around it with the team in the originating Circle.

This is done from any lane’s context menu, accessible via right-click. A selectable list of Circles and the different items in them that can be selected, is loaded. Find the specific Circle and then navigate to the item to subscribe to. In case a specific one is missing, then check to make sure that it has been included in the Circle’s Dashboard and is activated i.e. not in draft state.

On the subscribing Circle, the subscribed item will have the icon , as an indicator.

If a subscription is no longer needed for one reason or another, it can be cancelled from the subscribed item’s context menu, accessible via right click or menu icon on the card.

See overview or edit a Roadmap

The overview and edit views of a Roadmap can be accessed from the context menu of the shown Roadmap, at the top right corner, next to the question mark icon.

Current Date Indicator

A current date marker has been included in the timeline to assist the user in putting things into perspective

Easy access to Detail Overview

Like many of the other views, details of Items displayed in the Roadmap can be seen by selecting the particular item and unfolding the right pane.

Export a snapshot of the Roadmap as PDF

A snapshot of the Roadmap can be exported as PDF from the Export drop down menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Enter key will open a modal window with the overview of the currently selected card.

Alt key held down and drag from one card to another, except from Releases/Milestones, creates a relation between them.

Shift key held down while dragging will constrain dragging horizontally

Ctrl key held down while dragging will constrain dragging vertically

CtrlRight arrow key will nudge a selected Roadmap item a step forward in time.

Ctrl + Left arrow key will nudge a selected Roadmap item a step back in time.

Up, Down, Right and Left arrow keys switch selected Roadmap items, respectively.