
Circle Relation Manifest

The manifest of a circle relation is meant to describe the relationship between the two circles. How do they corporate? What can be expected of each other? How will delegated …

Add User to Site

You can add a new user to your site by typing their email address. If a user already exists for that email address, you can proceed. Otherwise, you have to …

Add User to Circle

You can add a new user to your circle by typing their email address. If a user already exists for that email address, you can proceed. Otherwise, you have to …


 Stories (orange cards) can be split into tasks (yellow cards). Typically, this is done as a part of a Sprint planning to divide a story into separate workable tasks.  Each …


Collections can be used as a generic way of maintaining an ordered list of stories and other items. A collection can be an alternative way of grouping a number of …


Feedback is for communicating with external clients about suggestions, problems or questions.  Feedback is either submitted by the client from a public feedback submission page or created on behalf of …