Jira Configuration

If you configure a Jira connection for a circle, it will be possible to delegate stories in the circle to the specified Jira project. You need to enter the following information:

NB: General information about Agemba-Jira integration can accessed here

  • Jira Sync Status
    A display only field, that indicates the current status of the Circle synchronization with the configured Jira project. It can be;

    • Paused – Syncing has been deliberately set on pause.
    • Active – Syncing is currently enabled for this Circle.
    • Invalid Credentials – Syncing failed because the Jira credentials provided could not be authorized in the supplied Jira Server Url.
    • Invalid Project Key – Syncing failed because the supplied Jira Project Key could not be found in supplied Jira Server Url.
    • Jira User Permission Check Failed – Syncing failed because the user connected to the provided Jira Server User Name does not meet the permission requirements. Please see the Jira Server User Name point below.
    • Connection Error – Syncing failed because connection to the Jira Server Url supplied could not be established; possible reason could be that Jira is down.
    • Unknown Api – Syncing failed because the data received from the supplied Jira Server Url could not be processed by Agemba. This would most likely mean that Api version of Jira is different from what is supported in Agemba.
    • Corrupted – Syncing failed because of an internal failure in Agemba during the process of syncing data. This situation requires action to resolve. 
    • UnknownSyncing failed and the reason could not established decisively.This situation requires action to resolve.
  • Jira Project Key
    The unique identifier value of the Jira project to sync the Agemba Circle with. It usually starts with an uppercase letter followed by one or more uppercase alphanumeric characters and max length is 10 characters.
    NB: Updating this property is NOT allowed.

  • Jira Server Url
    The Http path that points to the Jira instance that this Circle will be synced with;
    e.g ‘ https://your-domain.atlassian.net’
    NB: Updating this property is NOT allowed.
  • Jira Server User Name
    The dedicated username for the user, in Jira, that will be used by Agemba to synchronize with the project in Jira. The required permissions include Create Issues, Edit Issues and Add Comments. By default, these permissions are auto-set in the user groups jira-core-users jira-software-users. Therefore a user belonging to these groups should suffice.
    NB: This user should NOT have Admin rights. 
  • Jira Server Api Token
    A special access token needed for authorizing Agemba in the Jira server as an API. This needs to be created manually following the process described below (valid as of December 2018):

    • Login to https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens using Jira user credentials.
    • Click API tokens, then Create API token.
    • Use Copy to clipboard, and paste the token to somewhere secure and easily accessible.
      Alternatively, follow the guide here for an updated version on how to create an API token.
  • Jira Status Map
    Map the possible Jira Issue statuses with the corresponding Agemba states. This is necessary so as to be able to sync the state of a delegated Agemba Story to the status of the corresponding Jira Issue.  As such, it is only allowed to have a single Jira status mapped to an Agemba. Jira Statuses are loaded automatically from Jira.  By default, Jira statuses will be mapped to Uknown Agemba state.
  • Jira Type Config
    This section(s) of the configuration shows the Jira Issue type and what Agemba Story type it is mapped to. If there are any compulsory fields for that Jira Issue type that have to be set when creating in Jira, it will listed to be configured. The configured compulsory fields will then be used as default values when creating the Issue in Jira.
    A Label can optionally be set to be used to label Issues created in Jira, from Agemba. 

Test Jira Connection
There is a possibility of testing Jira properties of a Circle at anytime which also includes before saving them. This can be done using the ‘Refresh Config from Jira‘ button found at the top left corner of the Jira Configuration Tab. This will also load any missing configuration fields from Jira.