Milestone Card
Basically, the milestone specifies a deadline. Milestones are visible as cards in the Storymap Tree in the “When” section.
Epics and stories etc. can be linked to the milestone to indicate that they must meet the deadline.
In Outline, milestones can be shown in the timeline. In Roadmap they are placed in a special lane.
Milestone Types
There are different types of milestones (delivery in, delivery out etc.). They work basically the same but the type indicates the kind of deadline to the reader of the Roadmap, Outline etc.
Delivery In Milestone
This milestone is intended specifically for use when a delivery in regards to the
ongoing initiative is expected from an outside party or such. For example when
expecting a brochure from a publisher within a given time period.
Delivery Out Milestone
Contrary to the Delivery In milestone, this is intended for use when setting
milestones for specific story map items that are to be delivered to an outside party
within a given period of time. This could for example be building hardware that is
meant for use in another setting.
Deadline Milestone
Factors from outside the scope of an initiative such as The Law or company
mandate often change and may require that some items of the story map be
completed within a certain time period. For instance, in an ongoing initiative to
build a fully fledged website, the board members may require to have a single page
website built in the meantime while the main website is in progress.
Ordinary Milestone
An ordinary milestone is reserved for the product owner to use for establishing
milestones based on his/her own preferences.
A release is a special kind of milestone. Like a simple milestone, it has a deadline. But it is also the base for the Product Backlog planning.
Relations from Stories and Epics to Milestones
You can link stories etc. to the milestone in different ways:
- From Roadmap and Storymap: Hold down the “Alt” key and drag an arrow from the epic or story to the milestone.
- Open the epic or story modal window (double-click). From the “Relations” tab, you can select a milestone.
- Open the milestone modal window. From the “Relations” tab, you can select stories etc.
The above ways are also possible to link stories etc. to a release or sprint. Normally you will however use Product Backlog for the planning of releases and sprints.