Value Estimation

The value of a story consists both of a value classification and a value estimate. The primary objective of estimating value should be to give a better overview for planning and prioritizing stories based on what is Must-have and which stories have the highest value compared with their cost.

Value estimation is related to Cost estimation. All estimation is configurable per circle to allow you to use only the parts relevant for you. Read more about Value warnings and Value synchronization for delegated stories.


Value Classification

Before estimating the value numerically, it is beneficial to consider how a story should be classified. Two different systems for Value Classification are supported in Agemba and can be selected per circle

If the simple is or is not Must-have classification is chosen, each story is categorized as either being a Must-have or not being a Must-have. Since a Must-have needs to be included no matter what, there is no real point in estimating its numerical value. It cannot have a value in the sense of prioritization, because it is a requirement. Setting a story as a Must-have will therefore hide the value field. Non Must-haves on the other hand can have a numerical value.

Furthermore, if an epic is set as a Must-have, this will automatically be inherited by all its children, unless they are explicitly categorized as non Must-haves. Read more about working with Must-haves here.

If Kano classification is chosen, each story can be classified using more categories. It is still possible to classify a story as a Must-have, which will work exactly as with the simpler classification described above. However, stories can also be classified as Satisfiers and Exciters (and Reverse/Indifferent). Read more about Kano classification here.


Value Estimation

The numerical value estimate is quantification of how much value is obtained by completing a story. Value is often estimated in story points (e.g. using an agreed story as a common reference for a “2”) as a relative unit, but Agemba does not mandate this. The value estimate can either be selected from a number series or just set freely, depending on the circle configuration. It is encouraged to estimate value with an uncertainty, setting both an expected and worst-case estimate – read more about working with uncertainties and how to configure this.

A numerical value cannot be set if the story is classified as a Must-have. Until a value estimate is set, the story will count as having no value – unless a provisional/default estimate is set for this circle. This estimate will be shown in brackets e.g. (2) until a real estimate is set.

Accumulated Value Estimation

Value estimates can be set for all stories, ideas and issues, and is automatically accumulated for releases, sprints and collections. 

Value estimates may be set for epics just like for stories. However, an epic should be split into smaller stories and epics to decompose it (read more here). Once these children are fully estimated, the epic should be switched to accumulate value in order to represent the full value obtained, rather than the original (preliminary) estimate. The original estimate will still be visible for comparison. Read more about value accumulation.


Note that an epic may still be classified according to the chosen value classification system even though it accumulates value. Therefore, an epic can be set as a Must-have and accumulate value at the same time. Read more about working with Must-haves here


The value estimates of a story will not count in any accumulation as long as its state is Draft!
