Agemba transitioned to Kubernetes framework

Agemba version 2.0 has just been released and deployed. With this release we have moved Agemba into a more modern way of deploying and handling cloud based systems by using the Kubernetes framework and a containerized approach to the different parts of the system. These changes are primarily technical and “behind-the-scenes”, but it greatly increases the robustness, resilience and scalability of the system with better options for fixing issues immediately.

With this release we have also updated to the latest version of Alfresco, the underlying data-management system of Agemba.

Functional changes in the way effort and value estimation have also been improved and more changes in they way you can build and structure your storymap is on the way in the next release.

As always, you can consult the icons to see help videos and texts. If you have any questions as to how to use these new features, then please contact the support team.