Read more about the general principles of Value estimation here.
Accumulate Value
Value estimates can be set directly for the alh-replace:type
, even if they are only intended as preliminary estimates on a high level.
You can manually control when this preliminary original estimate should be replaced with accumulated estimates. It is recommended to accumulate value, when the alh-replace:type
has been decomposed and all stories and epic below have been sufficiently estimated.
Before choosing to accumulate value, you can click Preview Accumulated Value to preview the result of accumulating.
When the numerical value is accumulated, the original estimate is preserved and still visible in the overview. Should you choose to revert to not accumulating value, the original value can be inserted.
Note that the alh-replace:type
may still be be classified according to the chosen value classification system even though it accumulates value. Therefore, the alh-replace:type
can be set as a Must-have and accumulate value at the same time. Read more about working with Must-haves here.
Accumulation Method
The accumulated expected value of the alh-replace:type
is the simple sum of the expected value of all stories/epics beneath it.
However, deriving the accumulated worst-case value is not as simple. It depends on whether you assume all the children to be mutually independent (i.e. if one story turns out to have less value, this does not necessarily affect the others) or if you assume the children to be mutually dependent (i.e. if one story turns out to have less value, so will all probably). Based on this assumption, the worst-case value can be derived using either of the two methods:
- Root-sum-squared for mutually independent children – more than a simple sum of worst-case estimates: expected – √(∑(worst – expected)2)
- Simple sum of worst-case estimates for mutually dependent children
The customer satisfaction of the alh-replace:type
can be classified using the Kano model. Read more about the categories in Kano classification.
If the alh-replace:type
is classified as a Must-have (or Reverse/Indifferent) it cannot at the same time have a numerical value. Read more about working with Must-haves here and how the Must-have state is inherited to children of epics.
If the alh-replace:type
is classified as a Satisfier or Exciter the numerical value can be set (unless value is accumulated).
The alh-replace:type
can be classified as being either a Must-have or not a Must-have. If it classified as a Must-have it cannot at the same time have a numerical value.
Read more about working with Must-haves here and how the Must-have state is inherited to children of epics.
Numerical value is the quantification of how much value is obtained by completing the alh-replace:type
. Whether value is estimated in story points or some other unit is optional in Agemba. Depending on the circle configuration, value is either set from a number series or set freely.
Until a value estimate is set, the alh-replace:type
will count as having no – unless a provisional/default estimate is set for this circle. This estimate will be shown in brackets e.g. (2) until a real estimate is set.
Value can only be set directly, if this alh-replace:type
does not accumulate value from its children.
Value is estimated with both an expected and worst-case estimate. The expected is what you believe is a realistic estimate with 50% certainty (it should not be confused with an optimistic best-case estimate). The worst-case estimate represents a realistic estimate with a 90% certainty. The worst-case value estimate cannot be higher than the expected.
Together these two estimates are used to derive the certainty in percentage. The higher the difference between the two, the higher the uncertainty. Read more about working with uncertainties.