Cost Warnings

Has no effort estimate

The effort estimate has not been set.

Effort estimate is too high

A max recommended effort estimate threshold is defined for the circle (read more here). If the estimate for the alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace is larger than this threshold effort, you might consider splitting the alh-replace:typestory/alh-replace up in more stories.

Effort uncertainty is too high

Effort uncertainty is the difference between expected and worst-case effort in percentage. A max recommended effort uncertainty threshold is defined for the circle (read more here).

If the uncertainty is too high, you should discuss with your team, what is needed in order to remove some of the uncertainty.

Effort would be higher if accumulated

You are currently not accumulating effort on the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace. The accumulated effort of the items below the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replacewould be higher than the effort estimate currently set for the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace.

Monetary cost would be higher if accumulated

You are currently not accumulating effort on the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace. The accumulated monetary cost of the items below the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replacewould be higher than the monetary cost estimate currently set for the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace.

A child has a higher Cynefin complexity

You are currently not accumulating effort on the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace. One of the items below the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace has a higher Cynefin complexity, but this will not be visible upwards in the storymap tree.

Not all children have effort estimates

The effort estimate has not been set on all items below the alh-replace:typeepic/alh-replace.